Back British Farming

A tractor at sunset and the Back British Farming logo

Back British Farming campaigns on behalf of British farmers and growers to bring about positive change for the agricultural industry.

Together our 500,000 dedicated campaign supporters and 45,000 farming members explain to politicians and decision-makers the importance of British food and farming to the nation's environment, economy and wellbeing.

British farming – at a glance

  • British farmers produce affordable, quality food to world leading animal welfare and environmental standards, all while protecting and enhancing our precious countryside.
  • British food and farming provides the raw ingredients for the UK’s largest manufacturing sector, Food and Drink, worth £148 billion to the UK economy, and jobs for more than 4 million people. This is 14% of the nation’s workforce.
  • British farming is also uniquely positioned to tackle climate change by capturing carbon in soils through planting crops, managing grassland and planting trees and hedges, as well growing materials for bio-energy production and generating renewable energy.

We proudly take regular targeted action to make our voices heard where it matters most.

Become a supporter

Are you like us? Are you passionate about your food and the way it is produced? Do you love and care for the great British countryside?

Then why not join our community of 500,000 like-minded British food and farming campaigners today.

Sign up and we'll keep you up to date with all the ways you can back British farming.

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Our campaigns

A table of British fruit, vegetables and meat produce, together with the Union Jack flag

‘Buy British’ button

Someone pushing a supermarket trolley

Do you think it's a good idea to have a 'Buy British' button on supermarket online shopping sites?

Online grocery shopping is increasingly popular, but current labelling requirements are not as transparent online as in-store, making it more difficult for you to make the choice to buy British when shopping online.

More than 35,500 people have called for a ‘Buy British’ button to be added to supermarket websites to help all of us choose homegrown food when shopping online.

The filter will direct shoppers to homegrown food to help boost the economy and cut the UK’s carbon footprint.

Show your support

A ‘Buy British’ button will enable supermarkets to highlight the best of British produce and make it easier for you to choose British when doing your online grocery shopping.

If you agree this is a good idea, please add your name to show supermarkets that shoppers want the option to buy British food online.

The campaign follows an open letter written by Dr Luke Evans MP to the chief executives of eight major supermarkets asking for a filter which would direct shoppers to homegrown food to help boost the economy and cut the UK’s carbon footprint.

Who's responded?

Tesco is the latest supermarket to respond to the call for supermarkets to back Britain’s farmers by adding a Best of British section to their websites.

The retailer joins Waitrose, the Co-op, Morrisons, Aldi, Sainsbury’s and Ocado who have already launched British sections on their online sites.

Find out more at: Buy British Button |

Back British Farming is the flagship campaign of the National Farmers' Union.
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